It is of increasing importance to probe the non-perturbative properties
of a quark-gluon plasma (QGP) theoretically and experimentally.
There are many insights and indications provided by the experimental data
from RHIC and more abundant data are already being reported from the
heavy-ion collision experiment at LHC.
Theoretically, approaches based on AdS/CFT (and holographic QCD models)
and lattice QCD are found to be powerful tools to study the spectral
properties of quarks and hadrons under extreme conditions. In addition,
phenomena induced by topological effects (quantum anomaly,
dynamics of vortices, etc) are under active debates, which
also sheds light on non-perturbative aspects of gauge theory.
From the point of view of theoretical approaches to strongly correlated
matter, the implication from analogous systems in condensed matter physics
such as ultra cold atoms is of use to investigate the QGP properties
The aims of this workshop are to summarize the current status of
these theoretical approaches and to explore new directions toward the
understanding of strongly interacting quarks and gluons at high energy
Speakers / Programme / Participants
Here is a list of speakers who kindly agreed to give a talk.
Y. Akamatsu (Nagoya University) Stochastic Dynamics of Heavy Quarkonium in Quark-Gluon Plasma
A. Armoni (U. of Wales, Swansea) k-String Tension
T. Brauner (Bielefeld U.) Center-symmetric Dimensionally Reduced Effective Theory for Two-color QCD
S. Ejiri (Niigata U.) Finite Density Lattice QCD by a Histogram Method
S. Gupta (TIFR) Finite Size Effects in the Heavy-Ion Collision Fireball
K. Hashimoto (RIKEN) Nucleus from String Theory
Y. Hatta (U. of Tsukuba) Jets at Strong Coupling
N. Ishii (U. of Tsukuba) Nuclear Forces from Lattice QCD Simulation
A. Karch (U. of Washington, Seattle) Recent Progress in Applying Gauge/Gravity Duality to
Quark-Gluon Plasma and Nuclear Physics
Y. Kim (APCTP) Isospin Physics in Holographic QCD
M. Kobayashi (U. of Tokyo) Non-Abelian Vortices and Their Non-equilibrium Dynamics in Bose-Einstein Condensates with Spins
A. Nakamura (Hiroshima U.) Finite Density Lattice Simulation - Small Lattice but Big Dream
S. Nakamura (Kyoto U.) Non-equilibrium Phase Transitions in Holography
T. Onogi (Osaka U.) Lattice Study of SU(3) Gauge Theory with 12 Flavors
M. Sato (U. of Tokyo) Topological Superconductors
S. Sugimoto (IPMU) On S-duality in Non-supersymmetric Gauge Theory
Campus Map
You can find Raiosha at No.10 on the map. Hiyoshi station
is in the far left.
Please make a registration by email no later than November 4.
If you need a financial support, please send us the registration form
by October 14.
You can find the email
registration form (click the link).
If the link does not work for you, please send an email to with the following information: your name,
affiliation, title, email address, participation dates, and whether you
need a financial support or not.
Kenji Fukushima (Keio U.)
Tetsuo Hatsuda (U. of Tokyo/RIKEN)
Kazuyuki Kanaya (U. of Tsukuba)
Muneto Nitta (Keio U.)
If you have any question/request, please contact:
Kenji Fukushima at