Laser physics (for graduate students)

Physical description of the principle of laser operation is the main subject. Students will be able to understand the principle of laser after taking the class. Necessary preliminary knowledge for this purpose will be explained. If you want to know the specific way to use the lasers, this class may not be for you.

Lasers are a device that utilizes the interaction between substance and light, and so much background knowledge is required to explain the principle of laser operation. Therefore, about 2/3 of the lecture is an explanation of only the preliminary knowledge, and the word of lasers does not come out soon.

As the preliminary knowledge, electromagnetic optics, interaction between light and atoms or molecules (quantum electronics) will be explained. This preliminary knowledge is necessary to explain the lasers, but there are many important knowledge even if it is not related to the laser.

To take this class, students are supposed to have knowledge of quantum mechanics and electromagnetism. The required level is about the perturbation theory for quantum mechanics and about electromagnetic waves for electromagnetics. It is desirable to have knowledge of optics as well, but I will explain what is necessary in the lecture.

I will do lectures using a personal computer, but I often use a blackboard for formula deformation etc, so students need a notebook. The handouts used during the lecture will be downloadable on A password is required to open the file, and it will be announced in the first lecture.

Attendance at every lecture is mandatory. You probably can not understand the lecture contents after you do not attend once.

You have to do your homework every week. Please be sure to submit it before starting the next lecture. We will do the explanation of the report at the beginning of the next lecture, so we will not accept any submissions after the deadline. Please be sure to submit by yourself. Proxy submission is not permitted.

Sometimes attendance will be checked. Particularly whenever the number of copies of the submission report and the number of attendees are different, attendance check will be surely done.

Grade evaluation is done by the result of each report, and students can take an interview at the end of the term. Even if you submit a report every time and attend every time, it is possible to be failed depending on the result.

Since the circumstances have been changed after 2020, what is written here (especially about classes and grade evaluation) may be changed.