Shirahama Group.


September 16–19, 2023
Annual meeting of JPS was held at Tohoku University. Koike made an oral presentation on dielectric anomaly of 4He films.
August 9-15, 2023
QFS2023 was held at University of Manchester, UK. Shirahama gave an invited talk on multiple phase slip phenomenon of superfluid 4He in microslit structure.
July 2023
Leo Maximov successfully finished his Master thesis presentations. He will be conferred Master’s degrees from both Keio and TUM. Many congratulations!
Leo Maximov君の修士論文発表会が無事終了しました。Leo君はこの秋に慶應とTUMの両方から修士学位を授与される予定です。おめでとうございます!
April 2023
The 2022 academic year has begun. New students Daiki Tsuchiya, Goro Fukui, Shoji Fujisawa and Shun Masudo have been assigned to the undergraduate program. Leo Maximov, a Master course student of international double degree program of TU Munich, joined the group.
2023年度が始まり、新しい4年生として土屋大樹君、福井五郎君、藤澤将丈君、益戸駿君が配属されました。ミュンヘン工科大学とのダブルディグリープログラム大学院生のLeo Maximov君が、ドイツより来日し研究室に配属されました。
March 2023
Ms. Kuroo and Mr. Michikawa have completed their master's degree and graduated. Congratulations! Both start working for companies in April.
March 2023
Mr. Sato, Mr. Okamura and Ms. Tsuzuki graduated. Congratulations! Sato and Okamura proceed to the Master course.
Aug. 25–28, 2022
ULT2022 was held at Grand Park Otaru, Hokkaido( It was done as a hybrid conference with participants online. 90 (45 Japan, 45 overseas) participants attended in person. We thank all the attendees and staffs for making the conference successful!
Aug. 17–24, 2022
LT29 was held in Sapporo( Koike, Tani, Nago and Shirahama gave presentations.
Apr. 27, 2022
News and People have been updated. Links in Shirahama's Publications and Funding (Researchmap) have also been updated.
Apr. 1, 2022
The 2022 academic year has begun. New students Kohei Okamura, Rinshu Sato, and Hanna Tsuzuki have been assigned to the undergraduate program, and Takahiro Ogawa has joined the master's program as a new member along with Ohgushi and Koike.
Mar. 28, 2022
Mr. Onozuka and Mr. Tsuzuki have completed their master's degree and graduated. Congratulations! Tsuzuki will start working for companies in April and Onozuka will proceed to PhD course.
Mar. 28, 2022
Tomoyuki Tani was awarded the degree of Science (Ph.D). Congratulations! He has been working for the Denis Konstantinov's group in OIST since April 2022.
(Thesis Title: 4D XY Quantum Criticality in the Superfluid Transition of 4He Confined in Nanoporous Media)
大学院修了式が行われ、谷智行君に博士(理学)の学位が授与されました。おめでとうございます! 谷君は4月よりOISTのKonstantinovグループで新しい研究を始めました。
(博士論文: ナノ多孔体中ヘリウムの超流動転移における4次元XY量子臨界性)
Mar. 18, 2022
Our paper on 4D XY quantum criticality of helium in nanoporous materials was featured again in JPS Hot Topics.
Four-Dimensional XY Quantum Phase Transition in Superfluid Helium-4
ナノ多孔体中ヘリウムの4次元XY量子臨界性に関する論文が、日本物理学会JPS Hot Topics に再び取り上げられました。
Mar. 17, 2022
The annual meeting of the Physical Society of Japan was held online and Koike gave a talk on his undergraduate research.
Title: Anomalous Dielectric Constant in Helium and Hydrogen Thin Films
Jan. 2022
A paper on 4DXY criticality of 4He in porous media was published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. This is a full paper of the previous letter published in 2021.
4D-XY Superfluid Transition and Dissipation in 4He Confined in Nanoporous Media, T. Tani, Y. Nago, S. Murakawa, K. Shirahama, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 91, 014603 (2022).
Sep. 2021
Leo Maximov has entered the double-degree graduate course between Keio and Technische Universität München (TUM). Due to the pandemic, he will start his research work in Germany.
慶應とミュンヘン工科大学とのダブルディグリープログラム留学生として、Leo Maximov君が入学し白濱研に所属しました。当分はドイツで研究を行います。
Sep. 23, 2021
JPS Autumn Meeting was held online. Shirahama gave gave a post-deadline talk on dielectric anomaly of hydrogen films.
Dielectric anomaly of physisorbed hydrogen films at low temperatures
Aug. 10-19, 2021
QFS2021 was held online. Shirahama gave an invited talk and Tani gave a poster presentation.
Title: 4He Confined in Nanoporous Media: 4D XY criticality at Finite Temperatures (Shirahama)
4D XY Quantum Criticality of Superfluid 4He confined in Gelsil Glass (Tani)
April. 23. 2021
Tomoyuki Tani gave a talk on his thesis work in the Helium Online Seminar.
Title: 4D XY Quantum Criticality in Superfluid Transition of Helium 4 in Nanoporous Gelsil
April. 19. 2021
Our paper on 4D XY quantum criticality of helium in nanoporous materials was featured in JPS Hot Topics.
Nanospace-confined Helium Shows Four-dimensional Quantum Phase Transition (QPT) LINK
ナノ多孔体中ヘリウムの4次元XY量子臨界性に関する論文が、日本物理学会JPS Hot Topics に取り上げられました。
April. 1. 2021
In FY2021, Mr. Ogushi, Mr. Koike, and Mr. Murakami have been assigned as fourth-year students in the lab, and Ms. Kuroo and Mr. Michikawa have started the master's program.
Mar. 2021
Mr. Abe and Mr. Suzuki have completed their master's degree and graduated. Congratulations! They will start working for companies in April.
Feb. 2021
Evidence for 4D XY Quantum Criticality in 4He Confined in Nanoporous Media at Finite Temperatures, T. Tani, Y. Nago, S. Murakawa, K. Shirahama, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 90, 033601 (2021)
Nov. 6. 2020
The community of ULT/QFS/Helium physics in Japan starts to hold a biweekly online seminar (the Helium Online Seminar) hosted by Yutaka Sasaki (Kyoto), Makoto Tsubota (Osaka CU), and Shirahama. Shirahama gave a talk as the first speaker.
Title: Quantum properties of helium and hydrogen films probed by elastic studies
Sep. 18. 2020
Tomoya Tsuiki, a former graduate student, now at National Instruments Japan, was awarded the degree of Science (Ph.D). Congratulations!
(Thesis Title: Elastic properties of solid helium under rotation)
(博士論文: 固体ヘリウムの弾性に対する回転効果)
Sep. 10. 2020
JPS Autumn Meeting was held online. Tani, Suzuki, and Shirahama gave talks.
* Flow properties and superfluid critical exponent of helium 4 in nanoporous Gelsil (Tani)
* Quantum phase transition of thin 4He films on graphite probed by elastic anomaly (Suzuki)
* Superfluidity and elasticity of thin 4He films on the surface of hexagonal boron nitride (Shirahama)
* ナノ多孔体Gelsil中ヘリウム4の流れ特性と超流動臨界指数 (谷)
* 弾性異常で見たグラファイト上4He薄膜の量子相転移 (鈴木)
* 六方晶窒化ホウ素表面上ヘリウム4薄膜の超流動と弾性 (白濱)
Sep. 2020
A paper on elasticity of solid helium has been published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.
固体ヘリウムの弾性に対する回転効果の論文が出版されました。 LINK
Jun. 2020
Research activity has been slowly recovered.
May 16, 2020
Website updated: People, Publications, Press and Outreach
May 2020
ULT2020 (chair: Shirahama) has been postponed to August 2022.
ULT2020は2022年8月に延期になりました。(Link: ULT2020)
Apr. 7, 2020
All campuses of Keio University have been locked down. We hold online meetings and roundtable study from home.
Apr. 1, 2020
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (KAKENHI Kiban(A)) "Development of novel quantum phenomena in two-dimensional helium based on quantum phase transition picture" (FY2020-2022, PI: Shirahama) has been adopted.
科学研究費基盤研究(A)「量子相転移描像に基づく2次元ヘリウムの新奇量子現象開拓」(2020-2022, 研究代表者:白濱)が採択されました。
Mar. 23, 2020
We have closed all the lab rooms and offices to protect our lab members from coronavirus infections.
Mar. 16, 2020
The JPS has cancelled the local meeting, but the following presentation was made by Takahiro Suzuki on the web.
19pA31-4 Elastic anomaly of 4He films adsorbed on graphite
Takahiro Suzuki, Takahiko Makiuchi, Yusuke Nago and Keiya Shirahama
19pA31-4 グラファイト上4He薄膜の弾性異常, 慶應大理工: 鈴木貴博,巻内崇彦,永合祐輔,白濱圭也
Mar. 6, 2020
A part of doctoral thesis defence of Tomoya Tsuiki was done.
Thesis Title: Elastic properties of solid helium under rotation
立木智也君の博士学位請求論文公聴会が行われました。(論文題目: 回転下固体ヘリウムの弾性に関する研究)
Jan. 25, 2020
Kuwahara, Morikawa, and Yamashita have succeeded their master's theses defences.
Dec. 27, 2019
The Christmas party of Shirahama Lab. was held in Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo.
Dec. 23, 2019
Physics Department have assigned undergraduate research labs. Ms. Kuroo and Mr.Michikawa will join Shirahama from April 2020.
Dec. 13, 2019
Our paper on the elastic anomaly of hydrogen films has been published in Phys. Rev. Lett.: Multiple Diffusion-Freezing Mechanisms in Molecular-Hydrogen Films T. Makiuchi, K. Yamashita, M. Tagai, Y. Nago, and K. Shirahama Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 245301 (2019).
水素薄膜の弾性異常に関する論文がPhys. Rev. Lett. に掲載されました。
プレスリリース (リンク)
Dec. 13, 2019
Shirahama gave a talk at the workshop "Forty years of super-solid physics" at the University of Alberta, Canada, in celebration of Prof. John Beamish's retirement.
カナダ・アルバータ大学のJohn Beamish教授退職記念ワークショップ”Forty years of super-solid physics”に白濱が参加し、講演を行いました。
“Helium and hydrogen in porous media: past and present perspectives”
Oct. 21, 2019
Website updated
Sep. 20, 2019
Dr. Yasumasa Tsutsumi (RIKEN) gave a talk in Department Colloquium: "Generation of Spin current in liquid helium three"
Sep. 12, 2019
Takahiro Suzuki talked at JPS Autumn Meeting at Gifu University:
"Elastic anomaly of 4He films adsorbed on graphite"
鈴木貴博(M1)が日本物理学会2019年秋季大会(岐阜大学)で講演を行いました。「グラファイト上4He薄膜の弾性硬化」(鈴木貴博, 巻内崇彦, 永合祐輔, 白濱圭也)
Aug. 19, 2019
Two papers uploaded on arXiv, and one paper updated:
arXiv:1908.06788 "Multiple Diffusion-Freezing Mechanisms in Molecular Hydrogen Films" T. Makiuchi et al.
arXiv:1908.06787 "Elastic Anomaly of Thin Neon Film" T. Makiuchi et al. (paper published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 88 (2019), 034601, doi: 10.7566/JPSJ.88.034601)
arXiv:1806.06624 "Elastic Anomaly of Helium Films at a Quantum Phase Transition" T. Makiuchi et al. (paper published in Phys. Rev. B 98, 235104 (2018), doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.235104)
Aug. 7-13, 2019
QFS2019 (University of Alberta, Canada)
Invited talk: "Elastic anomaly as a probe for superfluidity of helium and hydrogen films" (Shirahama)
Posters: "Fabrication of phonon generator devices for study of quantum phase transition in molecular films" (Nago)
"Elastic Anomaly of 4He Films Adsorbed on Graphite" (Shirahama)
量子流体固体国際会議QFS2019 (University of Alberta, Canada)において講演を行いました。
招待講演: "Elastic anomaly as a probe for superfluidity of helium and hydrogen films" (白濱)
ポスター発表: "Fabrication of phonon generator devices for study of quantum phase transition in molecular films" (永合)
"Elastic Anomaly of 4He Films Adsorbed on Graphite" (白濱)
Apr. 1, 2019
FY2019 begins, the Lab has five undergraduate newcomers.
Mar. 28, 2019
Takahiko Makiuchi got a PhD, and Kohei Kaiya got a MSc. Congratulations. They left the Lab and have started to work at new places.
Mar. 25, 2019
Commencement exercises: four students graduated.
大学卒業式:  4年生4名が卒業しました。
Mar. 17, 2019
Yusuke Nago and Takahiko Makiuchi talked at JPS annual meeting (Kyushu Univ.):
"Elastic anomaly in adsorbed films", T. Makiuchi, K. Yamashita, M. Takai, Y. Nago, K. Shirahama
"Fabrication of phonon generator for investigation of quantum phase transition in helium films", Y. Nago, Y. Miyoshi, R. Ishiguro, K. Shirahama
吸着薄膜における弾性異常 巻内崇彦, 山下勝之, 互井通裕, 永合祐輔, 白濱圭也
ヘリウム薄膜量子相転移の研究のためのフォノン生成器の作製 永合祐輔, 三吉佑典, 石黒亮輔, 白濱圭也
Mar. 4-8, 2019
Takahiko Makiuchi made an oral presentation on APS March Meeting (Boston, USA): "Elastic Anomaly of Helium, Hydrogen and Neon Films on Disordered Substrate".
Feb. 5, 2019
Our paper was published:
"Elastic Anomaly of Thin Neon Film" by T. Makiuchi, K. Yamashita, M. Tagai, Y. Nago and K. Shirahama, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 88, 034601 (2019) [6 Pages]
Jan. 31, 2019
Undergraduate research presentation. Four members (Abe, Kiyota, Suzuki, Miyoshi) successfully did.
Jan. 26, 2019
Kohei Kaiya successfully defended his MSc thesis.
Jan. 24, 2019
Two helium recondensation machines (made by Sumitomo Heavy Industries) were transferred from the Wada Lab to Keio, by the great help of Nakahiko Transport.
Jan. 18, 2019
Takahiko Makiuchi successfully defended his PhD thesis to examiners.
Shirahama Lab Christmas Party (Omotesando)
Dec. 3, 2018
Paper published in Physical Review B: "Elastic anomaly of helium films at a quantum phase transition", by T. Makiuchi, M. Tagai, Y. Nago, D. Takahashi, and K. Shirahama, Phys. Rev. B 98, 235104 (2018)
ヘリウム薄膜の弾性異常と量子相転移に関する論文が、アメリカ物理学会ジャーナル Physical Review Bに出版されました。
Nov. 22, 2018
Party for Shirahama Lab 20th Anniversary
Sep. 10, 2018
Mitsunori Hieda (Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ.) gave an oral talk on our collaborated work done at RIKEN in JPS Autumn Meeting (Doshisha Univ, Kyoto).
“Measurement of transverse acoustic impedance in bulk liquid 4He E M. Hieda, T. Tsuiki, D. Takahashi, K. Shirahama, Y. Okuda, K. Kono, T. Matsushita, N. Wada
檜枝光憲, 立木智也, 高橋大輔, 白濱圭也, 奥田雄一, 河野公俊C, 松下琢, 和田信雄
Jul. 25-31, 2018
Invited and poster presentations at QFS2018, Univ. Tokyo:
“Elastic Anomalies in Adsorbed Films of Helium, Hydrogen and Neon E K. Shirahama (invited talk)
“Elasticity Measurements of Hydrogen Films Adsorbed on a Porous Glass”K. Yamashita (Poster)
“Toward the direct observation of chiral edge mass current in quasi-2D 3He-A”K. Kuwahara (Poster)
“Elasticity Measurements of Neon Films on a Porous Glass Substrate”T. Makiuchi (Poster)
“Fabrication of Micro-slit Structures for Studies of Topological Properties of Quasi-two Dimensional Superuid 3He”T. Tani (Poster)
“Nanomechanical Wire Resonator for Probing Quantum Vortex in Superfluid He”Y. Nago (Poster)
Jul. 2018
Paper published in Physical Review B: "Reinvestigation of the rotation effect in solid 4He with a rigid torsional oscillator", by J. Choi, T. Tsuiki, D. Takahashi, H. Choi, K. Kono, K. Shirahama, and E. Kim, Phys. Rev. B 98, 014509 (2018) - Published 13 July 2018.
韓国KAIST、理研との共同研究による固体ヘリウムの論文がPhysical Review Bに出版されました。
Apr. 1, 2018
FY2018 new members joined: Kenta Abe, Ryohei Kiyota, Takahiro Suzuki, Yusuke Miyoshi (undergrads), Michie Fujiwara (Secretary).
March 2018
Yusuke Nago was awarded the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan (Research Category 6, FY2017) for his seminal contribution to study of quantum hydrodynamics and quantum turbulence of superfluid. Congratulations! He gave a prize lecture in Annual Meeting of JPS.
永合祐輔助教が、「超流動ヘリウムにおける量子渦・量子乱流発生機構の実験的解明」に対して2017年度日本物理学会若手奨励賞(領域6)を受賞しました。おめでとうございます! 受賞を記念して2018年日本物理学会年次大会において、招待講演が行われました。
Feb. 23, 2018
Paper published in Physical Review B: "Effect of rotation on the elastic moduli of solid 4He", T. Tsuiki, D. Takahashi, S. Murakawa, Y. Okuda, K. Kono, and K. Shirahama, Phys. Rev. B 97, 054516 (2018) Published 23 February 2018.